Pitch Decks


Start-up Ideas

$ 5.3

Million Raised

Tenets to a great pitch deck and
why we’re in this business

Every business idea needs storytelling

Need we say more. Break the clutter with a compelling presentation – is a challenge we love.

It’s magic when strategic design meets business acumen

We understand businesses, investors, and the investment process. We’re a team of marketing and finance specialists.

Time is a two-way street

We work on a schedule. Our ability to deliver on time is also dependent on how soon we receive relevant information from your side.


Scope of topics covered​

1. Problem

What is the one major problem that you hope to solve? What is the gap in the market?

2. Solution

Product, services, model that solves the problem

3. Industry

The industry landscape - Segments, Size, and Players

4. Opportunity

Total Addressable Market and Readliness to market

5. Company

Concise definition of who you are and what you stand for

6. The Big Picture


7. Business Strategy

High-level goals and actions

8. Differentiation

Points of Parity and Difference

9. Business Model

Revenue Streams, Lifetime Value

10. Journey

Milestones, Traction, MRR

11. Roadmap

Aspect of business planning in the next 5 years, new products, services and models

12. Go to Market

Customer acquisition channels and costs

13. Team

Key members in the company

14. Financial KPIs​

Benhmarked against industry

15. Unit Economics

Revenue and cost related to a single unit of your product or service

16. 5-year Projections

Topline and bottomline numbers

17. Ask

Where will the investment be?

18. Exit Strategy

Possible shifts in ownership


We’ve made it simple by offering these plans
Plan A
Just The Design


When you require our design services to tell a compelling brand story.
You will provide refined (not raw) data points to process information to cover all sections of the pitch deck (as per our checklist).

Our Role

Collate informationand insights into a well-designed presentation.


25 Working Days

Plan B
Add The Financials


When you need the extra help, and not just our designing services.
You will provide information (final) and content covering sections 1-13 of the checklist.

Our Role

Besides the Design aspect, detailing the 5 year financials (projections) by providing:
Revenue Drivers, Cost Drivers, Financial KPIs, Unit Economics, Income Statement, Segment Analysis, Cash Flow Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Analysis, Funding requirement, Valuation.


50 Working Days

Plan C
Give Me Everything


You're starting from scratch and you need the experts to do it all for you. We cover the Business Strategy, Marketing Strategy and the Financial Strategy.

Our Role

Strategic inputs. Deliver a final pitch deck that covers all sections of the checklist.


To be provided after determining the scope


    I need a pitch deck now!
    Fill in this simple form and one of our specialists will reach out to you

    Free advice for those who have tried!

    If you think you’re pitch-ready and have a Pitch Deck that you’d want us to review. We’ll do it for free. Ping us at hello@pitchdeckpeople.com